   Classic "forest" orienteering for all in the great outdoors. Run or walk, compete against yourself or others, or a fun family day out. (Mar-Sept)
   Navigate the suburbs. Run or walk to as many checkpoints as you can within a 45 minute time limit. How many points can you get? (Oct-Feb)
   A great introduction to orienteering with fun courses in suburban parks & reserves. Also includes a night event. (Mar-Apr)
   Navigate bush tracks on your mountain bike. Our Bike Orienteering Summer Series offers 75 minute score & line+score events. (Oct-Mar)






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“Contours and Compass” Training

The area is on the outskirts of Newcastle and is characterised by an intricate track network, complex water features, a major powerline, and mixed runnability. Like many areas, there are some features that are more liable to change over time (e.g., tracks, car wrecks, vegetation) than others (e.g., contours, rocks, major water features). The purpose of this training event is to practise using the reliable features to help navigate around the course, even when utilising the tracks!
Easy, 2.1 km – Controls are on or close to tracks. Practise checking direction with your compass, and the shape of the land using the contours, rather than just relying on the tracks themselves.
Moderate, 3.4 km – Longer legs and harder control sites than Easy. Structure each leg carefully and make sure you have a clear attack point.
Hard Short, 3.6 km – Full difficulty and some low visibility areas. To sharpen focus on navigating by more reliable features (and compass), tracks have been removed from the map. Power pylons are also gone. A blank complete map is on the flip side, however, as a backup.
Hard Long, 5.8 km – Like Hard Short but with a map flip halfway and no blank complete map as backup. Some controls are in the greener areas in the north not visited by the other courses.
Each control is marked by a flag and an electronic (SportIdent) punching unit.

Control Descriptions:

The start for all courses is 200 m from the assembly area. Follow the blue and white streamers.

Starts are from 9.30 – 11.30 am. Course closure at 1 pm.

Head to Killingworth. In Killingworth turn north onto The Boulevarde that becomes Killingworth Rd. After about 1 km park carefully along the side of the road near the Transgrid substation. Note that there are numerous potholes on Killingworth Rd – drive slowly!

The area is frequented by motorbikes and 4WDs. Give them a wide berth!
Safety bearing is south-east to Killingworth Rd and then back to the assembly area near the substation.

Stephen Craig, 0447 166 281