The Newcastle Orienteering Club "All Series Point Score" (ASPS) compiles weighted scores* from all five orienteering disciplines/event series to produce an overall ranking for an orienteer's results across the series/events.
Results are compiled following completion of the NOY Series.
The five disciplines/event series are:
Street score course orienteering - "SSS" (Summer Street Series)
Mountain bike orienteering - "BOSS" (Bike Orienteering Summer Series)
Urban/park orienteering - "UFO" (Urban Foot Orienteering)
Night orienteering - "Night" (Newcastle Night Championships)
Bush orienteering - "NOY" (Newcastle Orienteer of the Year)
ASPS Overall |
ASPS with categories
(1. Hard Core, 2. Committed, 3.Transition, 4. L-Platers)
2023 | 2023 with categories |
2024 | 2024 with categories |
* How it works - see ASPS Overall Explained and ASPS with Categories Explained.