    Classic "forest" orienteering for all in the great outdoors. Run or walk, compete against yourself or others, or a fun family day out. (Mar-Sept)
   Navigate the suburbs. Run or walk to as many checkpoints as you can within a 45 minute time limit. How many points can you get? (Oct-Feb)
    A great introduction to orienteering with fun courses in suburban parks & reserves. Also includes a night event. (Feb-Mar)
    Navigate bush tracks on your mountain bike. Our Bike Orienteering Summer Series offers 75 minute score & line+score events. (Oct-Mar)






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 (As at April 2024)
Position Descriptions for offices bearers and portfolio holders.

Office Bearers

  President - Justin Stafford
  Vice Presidents - Carolyn Rigby (Development), Shane Jenkins (Technical Advancement)
  Secretary - Maria Orr
  Treasurer - Joy Guy

Portfolio Holders

   Public Officer - Jim Lee
  ONSW Delegates - Carolyn Rigby, Rob Vincent, Peter Orr, Glenn Burgess, Gayle Quantock
  Land Access Liaison - Jim Lee
  Mapping Officer / Printing - Geoff Todkill / Jeff Guy
  Gear Steward - Geoff Peel
  Bush Series Coordinator - Andrew Power
  Street Series Coordinators - Sam Howe, Malcolm Roberts
  Urban Series Coordinators - Maria Orr, Sam Howe
  Bike Orienteering Summer Series Coordinator - Greg Bacon
  SI Coordinator - Jeff Guy (assited by Geoff Peel and Malcolm Roberts)
   Rego/Membership - Joy Guy
  Results Coordinator - Jeff Guy, Series coordinators
  Technical Officer - Glenn Burgess
  Website Manager - Glenn Burgess (assisted by Jeff Guy)
  First Aid Coordinator - Peter Orr
  Junior Diary Coordinator - Margaret Peel
  Publicity Officer - VACANT
  Coach - VACANT
  Mapping Committee - Geoff Todkill (chair, bush), Malcolm Roberts (street), Ian Dempsey (urban)
  Prizes Committee - Carolyn Rigby, Cheryle Todkill