Welcome to Newcastle Orienteering Club

Orienteering is a competitive or non-competitive recreational activity in which participants use a detailed map, and usually a compass, to navigate between checkpoints on an unfamiliar course in bush terrain, parkland or urban areas.  

If you like a physical and mental challenge while exploring the outdoors, orienteering is the sport for you!

 NEW TO ORIENTEERING? Click here for more information.

 See what's on by clicking on the Club Event Series buttons below or see all orienteering events by going to   Eventor, the orienteering event calendar.

   Classic "forest" orienteering for all in the great outdoors. Run or walk, compete against yourself or others, or a fun family day out. (Mar-Sept)
   Navigate the suburbs. Run or walk to as many checkpoints as you can within a 45 minute time limit. How many points can you get? (Oct-Feb)
   A great introduction to orienteering with fun courses in suburban parks & reserves. Also includes a night event. (Mar-Apr)
   Navigate bush tracks on your mountain bike. Our Bike Orienteering Summer Series offers 75 minute score & line+score events. (Oct-Mar)

Permanent Courses






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act as a leader for NOC, coordinate executive responsibilities, chair NOC meetings
in conjunction with NOC's ONSW Delegates, act as liaison between ONSW and NOC
ensure OA/ONSW policies are implemented at Club level (e.g. Risk Management, Child Protection)
represent Club and its interests at meetings or functions with outside agencies or companies.
 Vice President - Development
assist President with above duties, fill in when/where necessary
coordinate development activities within the Club environment e.g. act as contact point for ONSW, outside groups (scouts, schools, social groups etc)
sub-committee involvement e.g. act as President proxy on sub-committees, act as Chair(or secretary) on sub-committee to free up sub-committee members
coordinate Club/member development activities - social, coaching, training
instigate member engagement activities, in concert with other Executive and Committee members.
Vice President - Technical Advancement
assist President with above duties, fill in when/where necessary
liaise with NOC Technical and other position holders on technical advancement possibilities
present ideas for continued incorporation of electronic advancement in timing and scoring systems
continue any necessary development of NOC event holding guidelines across the various series.
provide notice of meetings and agenda items, including elections and special matters
take minutes of all Club meetings (Committee, Annual, General, Special) and disseminate to Committee members, ensure a copy is kept for ongoing records
report any external correspondence to the Committee and respond to this where appropriate
maintain communication between NOC and outside agencies
maintain hard copy of records for required time periods
ensure secretary email account is monitored.
ensure money paid to the Club is collected and deposited into Club bank account
make payments as authorised by the Committee
maintain a set of records that reflect incomings/outgoings and current bank balance
present a statement of Club finances to general and annual meetings
seek assistance of others to help formulate an annual budget for adoption at AGM
ensure fee for Incorporation is paid annually
undertake a reconciliation of event competitors against Eventor income and EOD income.
Land Access Liaison
maintain records of landholder details to enable annual events program without access issues
liaise with Public Officer to ensure any necessary lease arrangements are organised
liaise with treasurer to ensure lease registration and event fees are paid.
Mapping Officer
convene Mapping Committee meetings at regular intervals, report activities and make recommendations to the NOC Committee
maintain access to the NOC map archive for each discipline
liaise with Technical Officer in relation to the implementation of mapping procedures.
Printing Officer
maintain records, printing equipment and supplies
liaise with course planners and establish printing timeframe
receive map files and ensure completeness and quality printing
estimate print numbers, print maps, and produce control descriptions
send print files to the reserve printer when necessary
supply printed copies to the planner prior to the event
supply SI files to computer operator
supply files for preparation of RouteGadget or Livelox
return printed map files for inclusion in the NOC Map Archives
send map print costs to Treasurer.
Gear Steward
maintain general status of Club equipment e.g. arrange repair/replacement
maintain supply of event consumables e.g. water bottles, paper cups
assist course setters with access to course equipment (control stands, tethers, locks, signs)
assist event organisers to gain access to Club equipment (tables, chairs, tents etc)
recommend equipment changes to NOC Committee
make recommendations to NOC Committee how to store and transport Club equipment.
Event Registration
ensure someone is available on the registration desk at events
maintain supply of registration desk consumables (forms, block chits etc)
co-ordinate lending of Club SI sticks
ensure event takings are tallied and passed on for banking
Series Coordinator (separate coordinators for Bush, Street, Urban, BOSS series)
in conjunction with Committee and President, coordinate event calendar in a timely fashion
ensure that guidelines for events are current and based on any changes made in annual report and recommendations
assist course planners in filling the other roles required to conduct an event
advise on suitability of areas for specific events
liaise with mapping coordinator to ensure proposed maps are at current standard
ensure appropriate permissions are obtained and/or guide course planners to do so
advise event officials of the requirements and expectations of running an NOC event
correct/modify results if necessary
oversee the provision and presentation of awards at ceremonies
provide an end of season summary report of basic stats and recommendations for the following season
• ensure that the Club van/equipment is ready and arrange driver to take the van to events (If applicable)
co-ordinate with organisers and mapping officer the course map and printing
ensure equipment is in working order (if applicable)
ensure event setters have access to event guidelines
ensure event information is advertised widely through Facebook and Club website.
Results Coordinator (separate coordinators for Bush, Street, Urban, BOSS series)
ensure Eventor is capable of producing results, else provide by other means
ensure results are provided to Website Manager and others if necessary
coordinate and ensure result standings are updated after week 2 and overall gradings are published before final event (if applicable).
Website Manager 
maintain Club website in such a manner as to present an accurate and up-to-date picture of NOC status with a focus on the website being the primary public entry point to orienteering in the Newcastle area
publish and maintain website content including event calendars & notifications, results history, event reports & news, Club notifications, technical updates, links, contacts and technical resources. 
Technical Officer 
ensure current ONSW/Club standards are available and communicated as required
work with State League planners/organisers when necessary to ensure courses and event meet the required standard
receive information regarding technical areas of the sport and convey to the Committee
works with relevant people to ensure mapping and administration standards are maintained and are commensurate with OA and ONSW requirements.
Club Coach
periodically provide coaching activities to Club members and casuals
acts as mentor for both individual competitors and for other coaches.
Publicity Officer
act as liaison with media to publicise NOC events or significant achievements
act as liaison with Event Organisers to publicise major local events
act as liaison with ONSW Promotions Officer to promote events in Hunter area.
Junior Diary Coordinator
act as liaison with sub-juniors and juniors in encouraging them to maintain a Junior Diary
report information to Junior Diary ONSW contact as required.
ONSW Delegate
• attend virtually or in person and represent the Club, or provide a proxy, at ONSW General Meetings
 present to the NOC Committee matters of importance from ONSW General Meetings
• where there are matters which will be voted upon at an ONSW General Meeting, the delegate seeks advice from the NOC Committee on the voting preference to best represent the decision and interests of NOC
 notes the expression of voting or presentation of matters at an ONSW Meeting is not necessarily that of the individual delegate, but of the Committee in the Club's best interests 
 presents to the NOC Committee any matters of importance noted from ONSW Board Meetings (if no report is available from a sitting Board member).
SI Coordinator
First Aid Coordinator
Mapping Sub-committee Manager
maintain the NOC map archive and records for map use for that discipline
liaise with the Series Co-ordinators and the Permissions and Printing Officers
manage the sub-committee to ensure compliance with the Mapping Committee Charter.
Public Officer
willing to be listed as the primary Club contact for government agencies (such as ASIC, EPIRB )
maintain the Club seal
act as one of the Club signatories for permission/lease arrangements with organisations such as Crown Lands, State Forests, NPWS, HDLC
actively contribute to discussions on Club ethical behaviour, safety and inclusion policies.