Welcome to Newcastle Orienteering Club

Orienteering is a competitive or non-competitive recreational activity in which participants use a detailed map, and usually a compass, to navigate between checkpoints on an unfamiliar course in bush terrain, parkland or urban areas.  

If you like a physical and mental challenge while exploring the outdoors, orienteering is the sport for you!

 NEW TO ORIENTEERING? Click here for more information.

 See what's on by clicking on the Club Event Series buttons below or see all orienteering events by going to   Eventor, the orienteering event calendar.

   Classic "forest" orienteering for all in the great outdoors. Run or walk, compete against yourself or others, or a fun family day out. (Mar-Sept)
   Navigate the suburbs. Run or walk to as many checkpoints as you can within a 45 minute time limit. How many points can you get? (Oct-Feb)
   A great introduction to orienteering with fun courses in suburban parks & reserves. Also includes a night event. (Mar-Apr)
   Navigate bush tracks on your mountain bike. Our Bike Orienteering Summer Series offers 75 minute score & line+score events. (Oct-Mar)

Permanent Courses






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45th Hunter Schools Orienteering Championships

Tuesday 15th August, 2023.

Please contact us on 0422471353 if you have any questions regarding entering this event.

VENUE: "Tank Paddock" - Leneghans Drive, Minmi

EVENT DESCRIPTION: The event is open to school aged students. All individuals/teams complete TWO courses.

1. Age Division Line Course (straight line distance of 1.8 km to 4 km from start to finish)
2. Open Score Course (45 minute time limit)

COST: $12 per competitor. This entry fee does NOT include transport to or from the venue.The entry fee does cover maps, etc.

DURATION: The duration of the event will depend upon the number of competitors. Typically, the event will begin with a safety briefing at 10 am and conclude by 2:30 pm

FACILITIES: Toilets are provided.

ENTRIESThe absolute latest date to receive entries is Tuesday 8th August, 2023.

Entries will be accepted from individuals or from teams of two only.

Enter through Eventor at http://bitly.ws/Q5a4   (see 'How to register as an Eventor user' at http://bitly.ws/JZIn)


by Entry Form at https://app.education.nsw.gov.au/sport/File/3383 

send Entry Form to :

Mr Warren Quilty Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Singleton High School 
York Street 
Singleton 2330

Phone: 6571 1199  Fax: 6572 4889

Regardless of which way you enter you will need to DOWNLOAD THE CONSENT FORM at https://app.education.nsw.gov.au/sport/File/1105 and have it signed by your school principal.


From Wallsend: Head north-west along Minmi Road to Minmi. At the traffic lights, turn right into Woodford Street and proceed approx. 2 km. further (becomes Leneghans Drive). The event site will be on the eastern side of the road.
From Newcastle (via Link Road): Head north-west along the Newcastle Link Road, straight ahead through 2 roundabouts. At the major intersection with Cameron Park Drive / Woodford Street (traffic lights), turn right. Continue 2.0 km on Woodford Street into Minmi. At the traffic lights, proceed straight ahead for a further 2 km approx. (becomes Leneghans Drive). The event site will be on the eastern side of the road.
From the M1 or M15: Take the Newcastle exit from the M1, or proceed straight ahead for Newcastle from the M15. In all cases, you need to be in the LEFT-most lane, so that you can turn left at the major intersection with Cameron Park Drive / Woodford Street (traffic lights), turn left. Continue 2.0 km on Woodford Street into Minmi, and proceed as above from the Newcastle Link Road.

Parking will be on the eastern side of Leneghans Drive. Proceed past the event parking to perform a U-turn, with care, as this is an 80km/h road.

Details of Courses

(i) Their Age Division Course
“Age” is at 31/12/2023. (The age turned this year!)
Age divisions (and approximate distances) are:

Course 1 Very Easy 1.8 km 12 12
Course 2 Easy 2.0 km 13 13 Intermediate B
Course 3 Easy 2.5 km 14 14
Course 4 Easy/Moderate 3.0 km 15 15 Senior B
Course 5 Moderate 3.5 km 16 16+
Course 6 Hard 4.0 km 17+

In addition to the above courses, there will be an “Intermediate B/G” course and a “Senior B/G” course.
Their lengths will be approximately 2.0 km / 3.0 km and will be navigationally easier than the corresponding age championship courses.

(ii) An ‘Open’ Course
This will be a choice of four graded “SCORE” courses with entry open to individuals or teams of two. Select courses based on experience rather than age. The courses are graded:
A: Difficult B: Moderate C: Easy / Moderate D: Easy
A “SCORE” course is where you find as many controls as you can within a time limit of 45 minutes. A points penalty applies if you exceed 45 minutes.

Mixed age teams will be accepted provided they run the more difficult course.
Teams of two MUST start, do the whole course and FINISH TOGETHER.
Any team which splits up at any stage will be disqualified.